Sunday, November 4, 2007

Ways we are Going Green

1. We've stopped buying juice boxes for the boys...they cost too much AND they make a lot of trash. In fact I only buy frozen juices and mix them with water.
2. No bottled water either! Even when we take a trip, I pack the Nalgene and if we need to, we'll stop and get a gallon of water, but mostly we refill it at taps. And I always take a Nalgene to Jazzercise too.
3. Of course we recycle...and recycling cardboard boxes from cereal, granola bars and crackers etc. has made a huge impact on our trash can. We really do have less trash each week!
4. I just went to Winn Dixie and bought their reusable grocery bags. They are $1.29 each - very reasonable! I wish they didn't say Winn Dixie, but the Commissary doesn't sell them yet so I guess I'll be carrying my Winn Dixie bags in there. The funny thing is that the lady rang them up and then put them in a PLASTIC BAG! Old habits die hard. I left the plastic bag there. I know its just one bag, but I had to make a point I think.
5. No hybrids yet but our van does shut off half of its cylinders when it can and a little "Eco" light comes on. I was obsessed with watching this light for the first few months we had the van!
6. Ed has created a compost pile in the backyard! We have a huge pile of leaves and banana peels right now...mostly leaves. Hopefully it will be good compost for spring.
7. I don't actually know if this counts but Ed has cut down several rotten tree branches and cut them up into firewood for our fireplace. I don't know if that is good for the environment or not, but the self-sustaining part of it is cool.
8. Next week we're installing a bar complete with soda fountain and beer tap to cut down on soda cans and beer bottles. (OK, this one is a joke but I think the soda fountain is a good idea!)

Well, thats it for now but they say even small things make a difference!

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