Sunday, December 7, 2008

Catching up on the mundane...

Well, I haven't posted in awhile, mainly because we haven't been doing anything interesting. Here are a few things I've been thinking about lately...

The other night, Ed was watching Wall-E with the boys. You know the part where Wall-E puts the bra over his eyes? Well, Nolen said he was wearing a blindfold. Ed asked, "really a blindfold?" Nolen said, "yeah, the kind that girls wear on their bellies."

We all have a holiday is a list of the things that probably aren't included but I always end up buying and thus spending money on anyway...
  1. The tin of popcorn...carmel, cheese and yellow (its not butter flavor, but it is yummy)
  2. Advent calendars...I know they're only two bucks each but this stuff adds up.
  3. A new calendar for next year. Got mine today at Wal-Mart!
  4. Christmas lights...I am always replacing Christmas lights! This year I went hard core and bought LEDs. C'mon technology...don't let me down!
  5. Christmas cards. I love, love, love getting Christmas cards in the mail so I won't go paperless just yet, but at 50 cards...I'm up to about $50 in cards and stamps!!! What gives?
  6. Shipping gifts because we aren't going to make it "home" this year (wherever that is!)
  7. The surprise gift you end up needing for some secret santa/white elephant gift exchange at the company Christmas party.
  8. A dress, shoes and wrap for the company Christmas party. I have the dress already. That reminds me, babe, I need some money to buy shoes and a wrap for your Christmas party.
  9. Paying the babysitter for the night of the Christmas party.
  10. Drinks at the Christmas party...I don't think I need to explain this one.
  11. Baking supplies...even if I never actually bake anything with them. Its fun to believe that I will.
  12. Christmas presents for teachers, bosses, etc. We're up to $20 for the kids' teachers alone!
  13. I'm sure there is more that I'm not thinking of. Feel free to comment and tell me what you buy during the holidays that wasn't exactly in the budget!
Let's see...what else can I catch you up on? Oh yeah. Jennee, you will appreciate this. Jennee once posted about how it bugs her brother that our blogs are all about all of the great things that happen in our becomes sort of a brag book I guess. I'll admit I'm guilty of that. But I'll diverge from my formulaic postings here....I'm having Jazzercise drama. And it especially sucks because it happened during a week when I was really enjoying subbing and had taught 5 classes in a week...which means $100 in my pocket. But then the shoe dropped. A customer in the Sunday night class I taught for the Center owner complained about my class. She didn't just complain, she wrote a letter to CORPORATE! Well, long story new MD franchise is in limbo and I'm technically not suppossed to teach until it is fixed. I will also be monitored to make sure I'm really not dragging Jazzer through the mud and I think I brought the heat on the WHOLE center. I feel so bad about putting the owner through this...I can't quite tell if she's upset about me being a dum-dum or about the girl who wrote the letter. Although I think it is the latter. Its just been quite a weekend (I found out about this on Friday and drank myself under the table Fri night when we went out with friends. oops. Sat. was kind of rough) OK, thats the end of my rant. It will be good to get organized and go in and talk with Starla this week. As for the lady's complaint...I think there is some truth in what she said. Ya'll know how I would always pick on Kim and Katie and Barbara to tell me what move was coming next...I guess that isn't cool in the real Jazzer world and I may need to kick it up a notch. Dammit. Now I'll have to learn all the moves and remember them myself??? WTF? Wish me luck!

Some happy stories...Max loves school, he says he has a girlfriend at school. I think that means he has a girl that is his friend. He says they hold hands but he doesn't know her name. He had a fun first week at school. They kids get to play outside on the playground each day and they go to music and he brought home a few projects. They have a Christmas pagent next Monday for the parents so that should be fun.

Also, Nolen is a Super Reader! He surprises me every day with his reading...Here is a video of him reading, "Are You My Mother?" Its kind of a long book so I stopped videoing before he finished. The boys chose it as one of their bedtime books on Saturday night and I told Nolen it was a book he could probably read. He read it like a champ so I took this video on Sunday morning.

I think that's about all I have today. Hope you're all finding time to relax and enjoy the holiday season!



What???? Do NOT beat your self up over the Jazzer story. And you aren't giving yourself enough credit. You know the moves, you taught the moves and you were great at it. You made Jazzercise what it should be - fun exercising! That's the only reason I enjoyed coming. I don't know what the lady wrote about you, but I can speak first hand that most of her problems must be with her own self image and she's just projecting them on whoever she can. If you honestly think you need a boost, you can always keep a cheat sheet next to you...but I always enjoyed your classes. I don't think I would ever complain, much less write to corporate. That's crazy. I'm sorry you're having to go through all of that. Maybe it's just because that night you mentioned you were a Britney fan and she realized at that moment you were nuts?!?!?!! ;-)

Unknown said...

I hope you get your Jazzer drama all worked out. I know you really like teaching it!

We had a great time there for Thanksgiving! Thank you so much for inviting us :)

Lisa Lou Hoo said...

Are you kidding me? Sounds like someone has a stick up her arse if you ask me! Besides you were subbing right?? The appropriate thing to do would have been to come to you first and then go to the center owner if her "issues" could not be resolved. Sounds like she has some bigger "issues" than just Jazzercise! The fact that she wrote a letter to Corporate before giving you and the owner an opportunity to address her concerns shows that she is just seeking attention and enjoys the drama! Sorry this happened Mel!