And of course, since I spent the entire day from 9 til 5 taping, spackling, sanding, painting, second coating, cutting in, un-taping, cleaning countertops and re-organizing the kitchen...I wasn't about to cook dinner for the kiddos. Thank you Ronald McDonald for being my chef (can you call it that???) for the day. Nolen was playing on the play place and ran up and asked me if I would take his picture with the clown on the bench. Too funny! He also asked me later if I would take another picture of him kissing the clown. I politely declined.
And here is the finished product! I absolutely love it! I think this color really looks great with the cabinets and countertop! Even the appliances look great with it. I am so happy I finally tackled this one! Hooray!
The funny thing is, it is surprisingly close to the color of our kitchen in Alabama! I did not see that one coming! It is more subdued or muted than our other kitchen and the paint chip didn't look anything like this. Its so weird how different colors look when you actually get them on the wall. I love it anyway though! I've now painted 4 rooms in this house...boys' room, living room, dining room, and kitchen! Hooray! Up next...its a toss up...I need to paint the basement so we can move on to installing a large kitchen counter style white desk along one wall. I also want to paint over the last remaining beige areas of the first floor but that involves going all the way up the stairs which is another all day project. Also on the "paint me soon" list is our yellow bedroom. Its a fine color, but it needs to be repainted regardless and yellow doesn't match with our brown and blue "decor". I don't know where this painting spree is coming from. I have never painted so much in my life! At least my technique seems to be improving!
I think the new color looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. I'm into red kitchens (ha!) but the green totally looks better in your house! Great job!
I agree- it looks awesome and really brightens up the area! Kind of looks like a Lisa color!!!
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