Friday, January 16, 2009

Alaska Gear Comes in Handy!

You know the rule - if you haven't worn it in a year, throw it out? Well, hanging onto my Kamik's, mittens and great big Columbia coat has served me very well today! I wore these mittens for every day three winters in Alaska. By my calculations....Alaskan winter lasts at least 7 months so...7*30*3 = 630 DAYS! I trudged through ice and snow carrying a kid on each hip in these things and managed to stay on my feet every time! Thank Goodness for my Kamik's! Oh, I rambled too long. It is 10 degrees here today! But the boots, mittens and coat are keeping me nice and warm!
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1 comment:

Amy said...

We had to pull ours out for Abrahm's homecoming. It was really cold here that night.

I put the book/snack suggestions on my blog in response to your question. Hope that helps.
