Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year's at Nette's

Our next door neighbor, Nette, had us and half the town over for chili Sunday night. It was a great way to end the two week vacations from work and school. Nette is from Sweeden and she and her parents eat Swedish food (Swedish fish?) and practice Swedish traditions. Its fun to hear all about the dinners she goes to at her parents house. She has two teenagers, Lisa is 14 and Tommy is 16. Lisa has babysat for the kids a few times. She is very sweet and she just made cheerleading at Leonardtown High. I've probably scared her because I get so excited about it. haha!

Here is our babysitter Lisa (Nette's daughter) holding her dog Daisy and introducing her to Lara and Geoff's baby, Rowan!

Sweet sweet baby Rowan in her cute leopard outfit!

Proud parents Lara and Geoff. Also, Donovan and Hannah Curley - the kids who used to live in our house.

Erin Curley and husband Jason hiding behind her, Nette's Dad and Nette!
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