Friday, May 9, 2008

Mother's Day Tea Part Two...

Today was the Mother's Day Tea in Nolen' class at the Byrd Nest. It was very nice. We had snacks and then the kids did a great job singing songs for us. They even "choreographed" one song to bring us our presents at the end of each verse. It was very cute. Ms. Tracy does a lot of good work with them. I just wish Nolen liked it better and didn't seem so shy there. I'll have to work harder on that next year in Kindergarten. Ms. Tracy also read us all a story called "Someday". Poor Ms. Tracy was in tears by the end of it. It was a very sweet story about hoping all of these great things for your kids and hoping that someday they know what its like to love a child like we love them.

Do you like the beautiful crown Nolen made for me?

This afternoon I decided to tackle the dreaded task of cleaning the van. I think this is one of my least favorite things to do but today it was kind of fun. I set up the pool for the kids and they helped me off and on and ate popsicles. It was fun but tiring. I was beat after that and Max is napping right now. I should wake him up or else he'll be up later than Edward and me again! By the way, this is the pool we took from someone's trash in the neighborhood last fall. haha! Its working really well for us. The boys are just about too big for it but it will do until the real pool opens!

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