Saturday, May 24, 2008

Going to the Lakehouse

Memorial Day Weekend - kicking off summer...what a bummer to spend it alone at home. I hate that feeling so, since Ed is going to MD this weekend, I had decided to take the kids to the lakehouse all by myself. It sounded kind of boring but better than staying at home with nothing to do. Well, this morning I was feeling too lazy to pack up and go and had all but talked myself out of it. So I decided to ask Nolen if he wanted to go to the lakehouse today. He jumped up and down yelling, "Yeah! The Lakehouse!!!" So I had my answer. Time to start packing! He also decided to write this "message" he calls it. He told me, "Love starts with 'L' and what's next? 'I'?" I showed him the words "Live, Laugh, Love" that are on our wall. Then he asked how to spell "Lakehouse". What a cutie! We'll be back on Saturday night and're missing out but I still love you! ;-)
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